
It'll take tens of millions of years, but Africa may eventually split into two parts.
While geologists have known about this possibility for a while, it became news recently when a large crack, stretching several miles in length, made a sudden appearance in southwestern Kenya following heavy rain.
The crack is located in a region known as the East African Rift Valley. It measures more than 50 feet in depth and 65 feet across, according to National Geographic. A rift valley refers to a lowland region where tectonic plates rift, or move apart.
Source: USA Today NEWS
JOHANNESBURG — Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday was sworn in as South Africa's new president after the resignation of Jacob Zuma, whose scandals brought the storied African National Congress to its weakest point since taking power at the end of apartheid.
"I will try very hard not to disappoint the people of South Africa," Ramaphosa said in ending his speech to parliament shortly after ruling party lawmakers elected him. He said the issue of corruption is on "our radar screen."
Source: MSN
Armed groups in South Sudan freed more than 300 child soldiers Wednesday as part of a U.N.-backed program to release a total of 700 children, including some 220 girls, over the next few weeks. It is the second-largest release since civil war engulfed the young nation four years ago.
Note: More than 19,000 kids have been lured into combat since the civil war erupted.
Source: HuffingtonPost
Former US President Barack Obama made a joke about his birthplace, banned people from taking selfies with him, and talked about the state of civic culture in a speech at the Obama Foundation.
Civic Culture Characteristics
Orientation toward political system in both the political and governmental senses
Pride in aspects of one's nation
Expectation of fair treatment from government authorities
Ability to talk freely and frequently about politics
An emotional involvement in elections
Tolerance towards opposition parties
A Valuing of active participation in local government activities, parties, and in civic associations.